Day 5 - Pain
I started out today with a let's get this over with attitude. I even packed last night with the intention of rolling out of my sleeping bag. Packing my tent. Eating a clif bar and pedaling. The pedaling was the only part I had trouble with. My but and left knee are sore beyond what I want. This morning I took 600mg of Ibuprofen and lots of butt creme. It took me until about 9:00 to loosen up and for my knee to feel a little better. Around the same time I came to a construction zone as I continued down I-80. This diverted all of the traffic from my lane into the oncoming lane. I debated whether to risk riding with no shoulder or bearing the construction zone. Since it's Sunday morning, I know I'm not going to find any construction workers on site, so I'll got for it. I ride about 5 miles when I come to the first understanding as to why they closed the road completely. I decided to not risk the tiny shoulder and instead try and hoist my bike up onto the bridge. It's friggin heavy... and I just drop it on its side on top. I came to another bridge obstruction, and a 1 mile section of dirt road. After navigating the 8 mile section of construction I had a noisy shoulder with lots of tractor trailer traffic to keep me company. I'm now excited to be in Laramie, and done with interstates! Never again!
p.s. I haven't taken many pictures in the last two days. I've felt incredibly tired and sore and it's sucked my motivation a little. Some good sleep and rested bones will change that.