Day 4 - The Trials
This morning the wind persisted. I struggled with a 6-7mph top speed through 11am when I approached a climb up a continental divide marker. Not a significant climb, just a step up to a plateau like area, and finally the head wind shifted. The wind was now blowing from behind and pushing me down the road.
With much gratitude from me, as my mood and energy levels are suffering from lack of sleep.
I'm headed to Rawlins. From which I need to find a way to Walcott, my planned resting place, as the map showed I-80 as the only route out of Rawlins. I decided to call the highway patrol and see if their was an legal issues with riding down the Interstate. As it turns out, like most things in WY, you can do whatever you want. The woman at the highway patrol assured me that I can ride on the highway, but I need to make sure that I stay in the emergency lane. I didn't want to point out to her the obvious problem with riding in the traveling lanes, and only later wondered if they had previous problems with bicyclists in the traffic lanes.
I stopped at a gas station and grocery store in Rawlins filling up on water, clif bars, and one coffee. I made my way to the highway and found it to be easy and fast cruising. My planned stopping point of Walcott came up faster than expected, it was only 1pm. I decided to push on through for another 20 miles, knowing that it would make for a shorter day tomorrow. I was feeling great so I went for it. What I didn't factor in were the unknowns. The terrain and my potentially deteriorating physical condition.
After the first few plush miles of downhill, smooth pavement, and accelerating tail wind a large hill like I hadn't seen before appeared. Then 2 more came. By the first of the second two my left knee gave out. I began to pedal with just my right leg, but keeping my left leg moving. The pain isn't serious, just overuse. 350 miles will do that. At the top of each climb I felt an immense sense of accomplishment. After living on ibuprofen all day I'm really feeling the need for some off days. I'm now camping behind a hotel in Elk Mountain. I hope to get into Laramie early tomorrow. Relax, then headout early to Ft. Collins the next day for some R&R!