Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 22 - The contrasts of people

Today was a one hundred and ten mile day. That's an extra 50 miles in the last two days. We'll see how long I can keep this pace for. I stopped at a small gas station this morning where the owner also makes and sells fried chicken. I got to talking with him and another customer about my ride and their epxeriences. They were very nice and had great support to share. The heat didn't hold out long today, it was hot by 9am, and VERY humid! The owner of the store offered me some free food that they were cooking, I chose a corn dog. He gave me two. They were actually really good!! I wish I could remember the name of the store!

This part of Indiana is very rural. I'm on route 24 for the morning and then 124 for the rest of the day. Their are only two towns with shops in this 110 mile stretch! I ran out water at one point today and had to go to someone's house to try and find a store. It turned out that Mrs. Yarde and her family had taken a cross country tour on their bikes last summer! There were 6 of them total! They rode from San Diego to Florida. She was more than happy to fill my water bottles for me, and also offered me food! I was full at the time, but it is so nice to know that people like this exist out there! She also gave me her phone number in case I ran into any trouble and the low down on where camping is available.

I had a run in with a local for the first time today. It's something that I've been afraid of since I left. It's hard to know cyclists and not know of someone who has a story like this. I was riding down the road when I truck passed me so close it really scared me! He passed within two feet of me! That is ridiculously close especially when someone is driving at over 55! I lost my temper a bit and gave him the bird. He drove a little way down the road then pulled into a driveway, that's when I got nervous. I reached to the back of my rear pannier where I've been keeping my bear spray. I was hoping to not ever have to use it, but I don't want to put myself in harm's way either (not using the bird will be the method of choice next time). He drove back to me and started yelling all kinds of curse words and names at me, just as a minivan pulled up with two older women. They said to me, "Don't listen to anything he has to say. You're doing great and keep on going." I said thanks to them, but was still nervous becasue he did keep on driving but in the back of my mind I knew he was coming back around. He come back he did. He pulled up alongside me and continued his yelling as he swerved in and out of the oncoming traffic lane. The only reply I got in was, "You almost killed me." To which he didn't a bunch more yelling and then said, "If you get killed out here it's your own damn fault." Without going into a breakdown of where the fauly really is I think it's fair to say that giving the middle finger will no longer be in my repertoire of responses, and thank god I didn't have to use the bear spray. I kept running through my head what I'd do if he pulled ahead and stopped and I couldn't avoid being assaulted. It went like this. Spray angry redneck with bear spray. Run away from angry redneck while dialing 911.

With that done, I felt nervous for the rest of my ride. Ever fearful that he'd show up around the next corner with some friends. Probably an over reaction, but i couldn't help but worry. I did think that I hope this Mental Health Parity legislation goes through because I think he may need it. Tonight I'm resting my head in Blufton, IN. Tomorrow I'll be in Ohio. I think it will take me 3 days to get across and then I'll be in Pennsylvania!!!!

Family I will see you guys soon!

Here are the maps for my next couple of legs.

Canton, OH, to Nazareth, PA:,+oh&daddr=40.934265,-78.969727+to:nazareth,+pa&mrcr=0,1&mrsp=1&sz=8&mra=dpe&dirflg=h&sll=40.480381,-79.255371&sspn=1.905261,3.702393&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=40.526327,-77.629395&spn=1.903957,3.702393&z=8

Nazareth, PA, to Burlington, VT:,+pa&daddr=burlington,+vt&mra=cc&dirflg=h&sll=42.553685,-74.25728&sspn=7.380087,14.80957&ie=UTF8&z=6&om=1