Friday, July 6, 2007

T Minus

3 weeks and 4 days until my date of departure. Things are happening and fast. All the pieces are coming together and almost taking on a life of their own. It seems as though all I need to do is move towards the goal and it just happens. But despite this apparent charmed nature I'm finding myself a little wrought with anxiety. I'm sleeping less and thinking more, usually not my favorite combination. In fact I prefer sleeping more and thinking less. I know this anxiety is a combination of excitement and worry. I can be a bit particular when it comes to details, and I try to anticipate every need/problem that may arise so that I already have a solution at hand, or know how to get one. I would now say it is a sense of control that I am needing, or the ability to let it go. To allow it to become it's own monster or poodle, whichever it may be.

I got a couple more necessary pieces of equipment today.

A headlight,

a tailight,

and two pairs of cycling socks.

The lights all run on AAA batteries so I should be able to find replacements easily at any gas stations or general stores along the way. The socks are moisture wicking, and black. Black is good because it's going to hide the growths of dirt and other deposits that I know I'm going to pick up on the ride. I bought these things through As I no longer have a LBS (local bike shop) that I support and that supports me.