Day 11-14 Nothing more than hot, and the people.
(pictures will be added soon)It’s been really hard to write or take pictures lately. The heat is a constant 105-112. One day it stayed in the low 90’s, but it was so humid we were soaked all day. The news said it was 88% humidity.
But the people we’ve met on this leg of the trip have been amazing! Matt broke a seat bolt in Indianola, NE. All the stores were closed, but the Settler’s Celebration was going on at the park so we went to look for some help down there. These two guys helped us out for 2 hours! Finally pillaging some parts from one of his kids’ bikes in order to get us back on the road.
Every town we’ve stayed in or passed through has been like this! It’s really been amazing how generous and helpful everyone has been. Last night we were camping in Fairmont, NE. They let us camp in their city park (they don’t have sprinklers we made sure to check). A wife and kids of one of the town board members brought us a big Tupperware container of cookies! She told us to take as many as we could. Unfortunately we had just spent 4 hours in the neighboring convenience store waiting for it to cool off and the sun to go down. We ate and drank quite a bit so we didn’t have much room left. We are what we could and they were really good!
We’ve also been surprised by the town swimming pools that we’ve come across. The previous two nights we camped in Town Park’s right next to the town pools. Disappointingly they were both closed… but we might have taken a swim anyway.
Today we arrived in Lincoln, Nebraska. It is August 14. Tomorrow will be the two-week point of our trip, and the halfway point. We rode ridiculously hard this morning and made the 56 mile ride in 3 ½ hours. We had good motivation as we are staying with a good family friend, and it’s also the first time I’ve been in a house in almost two weeks. It’s still hot outside, and doesn’t looking to be backing off anytime soon. We’ll rest here and head out on Thursday morning. I’m very excited to be in Lincoln! It will be nice to be somewhere that I know, and around people that I know, even if only for a day.